Thursday 8 March 2012

It's never JUST another week.

So the golden days of OFSAA and Parasport ended and it was back to work for me. It was a pretty ordinary week, only two things exciting happened. Well at least until the weekend. Correction till Friday. The first exciting thing was Dun-da-na-naaaaaa drum roll please.............. DONATING BLOOD! Woo hoo! I have always wanted to donate blood and this was the first time I was actually allowed to! It was actually so great, I LOVED it. Kelsey almost passed out and Leah was TOO funny to watch (she really really doesn't like needles) Fannie and Scott were cool with it. Just the five of us went one day after work.
My three favourite things about donating blood:
  1. Helping people in need
  2. Watching the needle go into your arm
  3. Cookies galore

Me and Fannie

Leah and her blood... priceless

The second exciting thing was getting a FREE Parasport hoodie from Muskoka Bear Wear. I LOVE IT!

Melissa, Me, Fannie, Kelsey

OH! I totally forgot, more exciting things happened too... We had our open house! The mayor even came

The Mayor is the dude laying on our living room floor

Friday was LEAH'S BIRTHDAY!!! I spent hours blowing up balloons. Hours. Like at least 6 hours. We filled up the stairs of the basement with them so that when she woke up in the morning and opened the door there would be a wall of balloons falling on her. Me and Marc stayed up late the night before making a card. Let me just say that this was a major success. Hours and air well spent.

Patiently waiting for Leah to get out of bed

A few minutes after she opened the door

I think she liked the card

After Leah's grand birthday extravaganza we headed off to Arrowhead for our final cross country ski race. It was a elementary school race, the last race of the season. Of course I had to continue the trend and do parking. Once all the cars were parked I headed over and tended to the fire and handed out sticks and marshmallows. Let me tell you little kids frickin love marshmallows. Holy cow, when I tried to take a break and went to go and get some lunch they ran after me and swarmed me for more marshmallows. I had to hold my pizza (and eat it) and the marshmallow bag in one hand while I used the other hand to distribute marshmallows. It was a little crazy but it was a good end to the many hours spent volunteering at Arrowhead cross country ski races.

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