Saturday 3 March 2012

72 Waddup!?!

To end off our week of house managing we had our 72 hours off. Usually in Katimavik you only get 48 hours off but we requested an extra day because the third day was a holiday anyways and we wouldn't of had work regardless. So we were granted our wish and ended up with a whole three days off, it was awesome! Some of the group members decided that they didn't want to stay at the house but they also didn't want to leave Huntsville because going anywhere is too expensive. So they got a cheap hotel room for Friday and Saturday night. On Friday night everyone in our group went to the hotel and we had a very good time :) Definitely a night to remember... After the hotel the people that weren't staying there walked home and went to bed. The next morning Ben, Scott, and I woke up early and headed out to the bus depot. We met Catherine on the way there  as she had stayed the first night at the hotel. When we got to the bus depot we discovered that it was closed and we all died a little inside. Us being bright thinkers called the number posted on the door and asked the lady what the heck we should do and she said that we just get on the bus and pay the driver. Phew! Disaster avoided! We boarded the bus and it was really full, I sat at the very back next to guy that had just been released from the drunk tank. Shortly after sitting down I discovered that the night prior to he had been driving home with his work buddy and his buddy was drinking in the passenger seat. He tried to resist but it was just to hard so he had a few rye and cokes. He didn't even feel drunk, and hes not sure why he got pulled over as he 'wasn't' speeding or swerving or anything. The officer arrived at the window and asked if he had been drinking and of course he said "No, no, not at all". The officer then told him that he smelt alcohol on him and asked him to step out of the vehicle. Then it was game over. The guy had his car impounded his license suspended and was put in a cell until he sobered up. He'll probably lose his licence for a year once the court date rolls around, that's just the price you have to pay for being an idiot I guess. Anyways the point is that I'm glad I sat next to him because listening to him on his phone was very intriguing =P We eventually arrived in Toronto and got off the bus and started our trek to the hostel. We got about a block before we had to pull out Ben's iPhone and use the compass to figure out which way was west/east, haha were such losers. Walking to the hostel I discovered that I actually missed car exhaust and big buildings and people walking around on the streets everywhere. Three things that definitely do not exist in Huntsville. I'm pretty sure the tallest building here is a three story house, the only people walking around are the occasional person walking their dog, and car exhaust still exists here but not in the masses like during a cities rush hour. Now don't get me wrong I love the short buildings, laid back people, and clean air here, but its nice to also be in the city. I don't think I'll ever be able to say whether I like the city or the small town better. The town has so many outdoor opportunities and also an old fashioned feeling that I love. There's also that feeling of open air... it's like your free to do and be whatever you wish. Then there's the city, the energy that everything has is amazing, you can just feel it pulsing. The masses of people all around, the giant buildings, it's great. I think that you need a balance of city and town life. In my dreams I will have a house in the town and also in the city, and I'll split my time between the two. Back to my trip, we arrived at the hostel and it was so cool! We were a bit early for check in so we just paid, put our stuff in a locker and hit the streets of Toronto. We wandered around yonge street and through the Eaton center, then headed back to our hostel. We checked in and got told that we were upgraded to the six bed room vs. the ten bed room we paid for... SWEET. Although Catherine was still in the eight bed room. When we got to our room, it was really small, but still awesome. The beds and pillows felt amazing compared to the shitty ones we have at home. We just laid on our bed for like forty minutes and then decided we should get up. We also met one of our rooms mates while we were lying there, his name is Paulo. It was his last night in Canada before he returned home to Brazil. He did a semester of school here at UVIC and then started travelling across the country. I have to say he was a pretty cool dude. Me and Catherine both joked about how now we could go to Brazil and stay with him.  Once we finally got up off the beds we headed out to china town. It was sweet! Toronto has a pretty awesome china town, we did some shopping and then had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. I just had spring rolls and so did Catherine but the boys had a full dinner and they both seemed to enjoy it. On our way back to the hostel we had a lot of fun, we were jumping off of everything and running around everywhere and playing in revolving doors and swinging on things... It was really funny. We grabbed our skates from the hostel and headed for DJ skate night. We stopped at a big Christmas tree, Tim Hortons, and at the base of the CN tower on the way there. When we eventually got there it was super busy, it was great. The music was good and everyone there was so happy, Catherine's mission for the night was to photo bomb as many pictures as she could. She was pretty successful. After skate night me hit up Smokes Poutinerie and had some delicious poutine. The next day we saw most of the other major sights. The hockey hall of fame, the cn tower, rogers center, air canada center, and the St.lawrence market. We also tried to find a place to stay the night as our hostel was full, but after seeing the one place Downtowners Inn (so gross, yet soo funny) we decided we didn't have much to do anyways so why not save the money and head home on the bus. So we hit up some delicious crepe place and then boarded the bus home. It was a really good weekend and I'm really glad we got out of Huntsville for a little while. 

Friday night at the hotel 

Eaton Center

Our room at the Hostel

The Cafe at the hostel

Paulo + Fish eye :P

Me, Ben and the CN Tower

DJ Skate Night

Smokes Poutinerie, reppin' our provincial pride

This place was really cool, and not to mention delicious

Mmm Mmm Good

Hostel's Schedule

HI Toronto!

Hockey Hall of Fame

In the Montreal Canadiens 'dressing room'

Sat next to this man on my flight from Calgary to Vancouver Earlier this year

 Go Flames Go

Stanley Cup

Catherine playing a game at the hall of fame

This super cool exhibit in the same building as the hall of fame

Gotta love Toronto

GO Train beside the CN Tower

In the CN Tower

Delicious Crepe place

Bus home, the driver stopped as he was pulling in  so that I could get a good shot of the bus... haha too funny.


My Backpack =) 

1 comment:

  1. Sweet blog! We have part of that wooden sculpture thing back here at ACAD. (:
