Thursday 8 March 2012

OFSAA + Parasport

After the 72 hour break I went back to work for one day and then the crazy week of volunteering began. It all started Wednesday morning with me handling the parking for OFSAA. OFSAA is the annual high school cross country ski race. High schools from all over Ontario attend it, something like 97 schools. Wednesday was just the test run day for all the skiers so nothing too exciting. Then Thursday rolled around and I was on Parking yet again although this time it was a lot more hectic because it was race day. After parking majority of the cars I was relieved and started to do Photography of the event. That was a little more exciting then standing in a full parking lot telling people it was full... That evening me Melissa and Marc headed off to Deerhurst resort to help greet some of the parasport athletes and help them to their rooms. Well that was what we were supposed to do but we weren't needed at all. I helped one person to their room and Marc helped one person. Other then that we just sat around. That made for a super long day. We were up early to go to Arrowhead for OFSAA and then we were home for like 45 mins before we headed off to Deerhurst for Parasport and then we didnt get home untill like 10:30pm at which point we ate dinner and passed out. LONG DAY. Then Friday rolled around and I was at OFSAA again however this time it was way more exciting. Some genius thought it would be cool to cover main street downtown Huntsville with snow and turn it into a cross country ski race track. BRILLIANT! It was soooo neat, I basically just watched all the races and hung out it wasn't much work at all other then the take down after the races. The final races of the day were actually really intense and exciting because the local high school was competing in all of them so all of the spectators were going crazy. Huntsville High school ended up receiving a couple golds and a silver and a bronze, wayyyyy better then any of the other schools. You could really feel and see a lot of hometown pride. It was also blizzarding that day so that added to the excitement, huge snow flakes falling fast all around. I think it snowed more that day then any other day I have been here. It snowed A LOT, I'd say a good foot.  Then on Saturday came the Parasport games, I was back at Arrowhead except this time I was marshaling for the visually impaired and sit ski cross country ski racers. It was really neat to watch, the sit skiers are incredible they literally pulled themselves two kilometers with their ski poles. The visually impaired skiers were also incredible, they have guide ski in front of them and they tell the skier what to do. So for example say that on the track there was a right turn the guide would yell back right! right! right! right! until the track changed again. These skiers can't see anything and yet they ski way faster then I do, and I can see where I'm going. So that was Saturday, next came Sunday... Sunday was awesome. The only work I did was put up a bunch of RBC banner's in the morning and then take one thing from the office to Myke's car at the end of the day. I got to watch the gold medal sledge hockey game from the penalty box (best seat in the house!), then I went to the gold metal wheelchair basketball game, then to the gold medal wheelchair rugby game, and finally to the gold metal curling match. Pretty sweet day I'd say. Correction: Pretty sweet week! 

Mike with our snow child
It's name is Hideous for obvious reasons
The downtown OFSAA races
Main Street
We got free toques for volunteering
Main street from the end of the track
Parasport! We got free scarves for volunteering
Best seats in the house
Sledge Hockey
Sledge Hockey
Marjo, she did all of the music for the gold metal game
The gold metals
Wheelchair Basketball
Wheelchair B-Ball
Wheelchair Rugby
Wheelchair Curling

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