Tuesday 21 February 2012

House Manager Love

This past week I was House Manager with Marc. So we didn't go to work instead we stayed home and cooked and cleaned for everyone. It was hard work but I really enjoyed it, I was sad to see the week come to and end. Leah said that we were amazing HM's and she had nothing bad to say which never happens. She was super impressed, me and Marc were very pleased with that. I was so pleased about it I got a little too excited and manged to slice my thumb, that was sort of a buzz kill. All in all I cant wait for the next time I'm HM.
Leah's nice Valentines Day surprise for us

House Managers <3

That's right we got up at 6:30am on Valentines Day and made crepes and heart shaped pancakes for everyone else.

Everyone adored the Valentines Day breakfast.

Not only did we make heart shaped banana pancakes but we  ate them whilst listening to Jack Johnson.  Perfect Morning.

I also made everyone Valentines Day cards and put funny little coupons in them. 

Sienna really liked the pancakes too.

Is there a better way to start a day then by making six loaves of bread?

Everything was heart shaped, even the flour on the table.

We now know were Marc wipes his dirty hands.

Homemade fake meat meat pies/ 

Tilt your head and you'll find that this pie has a heart with M+S on it.

Sienna's new hangout... under my bed.

Nail painting party, even Marc joined in on the fun.

Fire starters = Success

So cool

Whoops, that half of my fingertip sure disapeered fast.


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