Sunday 12 February 2012

Katimavik Love.

 Fannies Birthday!! 
 It snowed inside of the Katimavan
 We went snowshoeing at Haliburton Highlands and did some trail maintenance. On our path we found this giant icicle wall it was really cool. 
 Scott with part of a giant icicle
 Leah, our awesome PL
Our lovely living room
 Our dining room (all the posters on the walls were made by us they have useful French English words/ phrases on them)
 Upstairs bathroom also the laundry room
 Our life
 Our Competencies (has a lot more squares on top now)
 Ben (Nova Scotia)
 Mike (P.E.I)
 Fannie (Montreal) 
 Marjolaine (Montreal) and Marc (Winnipeg)
 Some of us wearing our Katimavik shirts for the first time
 Hands down Marjolaine is the best cook. One part of one of her delicious meals.
 Dinner time
 Marjolaine enjoying her delicious creation. 
 What we do when everyone's sleeping (sit in doorways and have dance parties )
 At Heathers (the food bank manager) house watching a movie. Her house is absolutely amazing. My dream home.
 Vegan bacon! Slightly burnt but so good.
 What I do on my break from work. Lay on the living room floor in the sun and eat apples.
 Catherine (Montreal) At the Huntsville Otters hockey game
 Leah at the Otter game
 This is what happens when you fall asleep in the Living room
 Fannie and I Planking on the Katimavan
 Marjolaine planking on the Algonquin Outfitters truck
 At the Algonquin Outfitters Winter fun day I got to go dog sledding. These are some of the dogs.

 This is Duke
 Marjo planking
 Igloo Building
 Relay race
 Catherine ( Eastern Townships, Quebec) and Marc
 Leah and Marc


 A lot of the dogs had one blue eye. They are all pure bread Siberian Huskeys.


 Suzy ( My favourite dog, she was so happy and full of kisses and love) 

 We were told not to bring a lunch because there would be food provided for the volunteers. Then when we got there the man told us "If your a vegetarian your shit out of luck". So Me and Melissa (a newly converted Veggie) and Leah went on an adventure to find some food. We walked down the highway to a sketchy gas station and then found some soup and old crackers. then when we got back we had to ask the AO store employees if they had any bowls spoons and a microwave we could use.  The picture above is Leah pouring out our soup for us. What a nice PL she is.
 Melissa (Calgary) waiting for our soup to be done, it was really awkward standing in this back room at the microwave.
 Me waiting
 Were one stylish group of people
 I handed the guy my camera to take a picture of us and then I fell. It was quite funny.
 At the start line of the snowshoe race ( Me, Scott (Calgary), Ben )
 The second Igloo

 Half of the lake that the AO fun day events were held on
 The other half of the lake
 Mike tying Marjo's shoe while she was learning how to carry a canoe (the pink thing on his head is a neck warmer sort of thing that he won)
Me being a penguin, my new found love. No hill is too small for me to slide down. Leah claims that I must have some penguin in my blood.
 So much funn!

 The last draw of the day. Inside of AO 
 Leah was pretty excited
 Ben Melissa and Scott
I won the snow shoe race and got this water bottle and head lamp as my prize :)
 Penguining on an ice patch in the parking lot
 Our group!
 What a beautiful day it was
 Katimavik group, Katimavan, Katimasymbols
 The ride home
 Kelsey (Edmonton) and Melissa with her new mittens that she won
 The three Alberta girls
Loan (Montreal/ Belgium) Fannie Marjolaine

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos and update! It looks beautiful there as do you!
