Tuesday 10 April 2012


From March 2 - March 11 I was billeting. Billeting is were you go and stay with a local family, it is to help you integrate further into the community. We all went to separate houses, I was with Jodi, Madison, and Charlie. They were really nice and laid back, it felt weird to have so much free time. I guess I should explain that while billeting you still go to work everyday but there are no group activities during the billet period and we are not allowed to go back to the Katimavik house at any time. It was really strange to have my own room and to not see every body every day. I spent a lot of time at the gym that week, and Tim Hortons... it was weird to not go home for all of my breaks. Although I guess I still could have as my billet house was a two minute walk from our house. My billet family had a huge dog (white Shepard) named Charlie and he was lovely. He was so sweet and awesome, except for when he let himself out and ran away on me. That wasn't very fun especially since they had to go get him from the pound, but you know it could have been worse. I ended up seeing at least one of my group mates everyday during billeting because I just couldn't live without them :) The week was pretty productive I guess, I read a book, applied for two universities, and updated this bad boy (my blog).

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