Tuesday 29 May 2012


I love backpacking and really want to go backpacking over seas. I always have wanted to but now more so then ever. April 30-May 1 we went backpacking in Algonquin Park. It was just a two day hike but it was still super fun. It was great to be out in the park enjoying nature and each other...even though my pack weighed like 50 pounds. The first day we hiked to our campsites and the second day we left our stuff at pour campsites in the morning and went on a hike to the lookout and then went back to our site picked up our stuff and hiked out. The lookout was a good distance away and we were all super excited to go see it as on our last hike through Algonquin every lookout was amazing. However this lookout sucked to say the least, it was an exposed rock face that looked out over the valley but you couldn't see the valley because there was a wall of trees right in front of the rock face. Everyone was pretty disappointed when we arrived and we didn't stay long. But back to the good... We all had a really great time and it was an awesome awesome trip.

Our Campsite

The lookout



  1. Algonuin looks amazing - we need to go there!
    Love the update and photos.

  2. Sweet retreat Sarah. The streams look pretty awesome around there! ta ta from pa pa
