Thursday 26 April 2012

It's almost May!!

Holy cow, the entire month of April just passed by in the blink of an eye. Its been a pretty good month we did some yoga and meditation, planned our first leave no trace excursion, went on an amazing hike through Algonquin, tye dyed a bunch of our clothing, did a bunch of mid way debriefing, attended a first aid and CPR course, had our 48 hour break, ate lunch with 150 seniors, went to Leah's roller derby game, got a visit from Ben's parents, planned and led activities at Riverside Public School for Earth day, cooked and served food at the annual Huntsville Animal Shelter Auction, played some soccer and some basketball with the group, had our usual french lessons, started to plan our second leave no trace excursion, and are going to a Led Zeppelin cover band concert, helping out a car wash to raise money for homeless high school students, learning to make granola bars, and most likely volunteering at the April Wine concert at Deerhurst Resort.  Oh and we also helped out at the Apsen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary.

Camping at Arrowhead Provincial Park. We had the entire park to ourselves!

Go Chaosity Go! My beloved PL before her roller derby game.

The turf = <3 
Tearing up the old walkway at Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary


Soccer turned into bouncing the ball over three people

HAHAH!! Funniest thing I've ever seen in my life! Okay so I was washing the dishes one night after dinner and I look up and out the window and I see a tire bouncing down the road coming from the top of the hill. At this time Andrew had just come out of his house and was on his way to his brand new car to go to work. The tire went bounce bounce bounce right into the back of his car. Seriously funniest thing of life!  

What we do with our free time... Make slides on the stairs

The beggining of the most epic bike ride of my life. Right after this picture it started to pour rain and we had to bike home from the park which is quite a ride. All in all it was super intense.

The amazing hike in Algonquin.

Derby time

Stairs slide

Both teams at the end of the Roller Derby

Ben and I made Cookies, they were quite delicious

We had a second dog for a week, his name was Sirius and he was super shy but he warmed up to me pretty quick. He was a big sweety.

Just sitting on the side of a cliff looking out at a beautiful lake and the giant expanse of Algonquin Provincial Park

Got a little distracted from the game 

Algonquin Hike

We managed to fit both of us in the door



I bought a bunch of Easter chocolates and we had an Easter Egg Hunt

Algonquin Provincial Park

Roller Derby in Orillia... I take good pictures :P

Algonquin Hike

Algonquin Hike
Algonquin Hike
Algonquin Hike

Ball Bouncing Game

Sirius sat on my lap the whole way to Algonquin, he was kinda heavy

Algonquin Hike


Algonquin Hike

After Work Shenanigans

Yay Biking!

Dog on lap and Dog as driver

Cookie Time!


Roller Derby

Kayaking at Arrowhead during camping

Most of the girls ( Algonquin Hike)

Catcher! This is our neighbors cat, he likes to come into our house, he's super cool.

Roller Derby

Preparing for the epic bike ride

Soaking up some sun

First Aid Course

Our Campsite

Arrowhead Provincial Park

Veggie Sausages



Arrowhead... Lol

Melissa and I being silly, Arrowhead

Kung Fu girls

Roller Derby!

Roller Derby!

My new friend from Roller Derby

Calgary Pride at Montana's after Roller Derby