Tuesday 10 January 2012

Time of my Life.

So there's a lot to say and not a lot of time so I'm going to be a little vague in this post but it's better then nothing. So to start our true colors workshop was cancelled because the instructor was sick. So instead we took a drive to Algonquin park and went to the visitor center. Algonquin is HUGE, its like almost 8,000 square kilometers. It has tons of wildlife and canoeing spots and hiking trails and everything. The visitor center is really nice and was fun to walk around in. After Algonquin we did road maps (basically a drawing that represents where we are coming from, where we are now, and where we are headed) and then did the ECAL (Eco-citizenship active living program) over view. Then on Saturday we learned how to make bread and pizza dough, that was really fun. Our bread turned out perfectly! And then we had house managing 101. Sunday we pilled in the van and drove an hour to Orillia, a near by town, and met up with the three other groups in our area. We met at the Orillia recreation center and we basically went over all of the rules of Katimavik. It was as fun as it could have been, we had a tail gate party for lunch (in the freezing cold). Then yesterday (Monday) we went mass grocery shopping which was pretty fun, ran home made lunch (sandwiches) and then we went Cross Country Skiing  at Arrowhead Provincial Park which was the funnest/funniest thing ever!! It was so GREAT! Everyone was falling everywhere and it was hilarious, and then at the end we found a jump and almost everyone went off it it and no one stayed standing for much longer then the landing. It was sooooooo funny! Best thing yet. Loved it. After we finished laughing our asses off we crammed all of our skis and such back into the van and returned them from where we had rented them. The rental place was really nice and actually let all of us (the 9 of us that skied... everyone else walked) rent all of our stuff for free. We then scrambled home and me and Catherine pulled out the leftovers for everyone to quickly eat before our food safety class at Soul Sistas, a local restaurant (very good food! very healthy! ). This morning we woke up the earliest yet 7:15am and headed out to our very first volunteer project. We spent all day at Habitat for Humanity helping them out. Taboo a resort in Gravenhurst is remodeling a couple of their floors so half of us went over there and emptied out all the furniture from all the rooms loaded into box trucks. That was hard work! Especially because we all could barely walk before we begun because we were so sore from skiing. We (me, Loan, Scott, Melissa, and Kelsey ) could not wait for lunch time. When it finally arrived we all packed into one of the ladies van and headed back to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore. We had some strange pizza there, but it was alright. The one had pineapple, tons of onions, and black olive. Strange I tell yah! Then after lunch I changed positions and hung back at the ReStore. We took off a bunch of knickknacks off some shelves, then stripped the paper off of them. Then we put new paper and re organized the knickknacks on the shelf. Exciting stuff. I told my friend that I would try and find the ugliest knickknack possible and send him a picture but it was so hard to decide which thing was the ugliest one. Maybe I'll post the pictures later. After we finished that we got the final truck load of furniture from the resort and unloaded that into the back of the ReStore. And that was that, we then came home and ate some very delicious spaghetti. Tomorrows our work place tours, Woohoo! And that's that for now.

1 comment:

  1. More blogs please! Love reading the updates and would love to see some photos. Love from a fan
