Thursday 5 January 2012

A New Beginning.

What a long day yesterday was. I was supposed to be at the Calgary airport at 9:15 am but received a phone call at 7:00am saying that I had been given the wrong information and the flight was actually at 1pm. So I got to sleep in a bit, thank god. After saying good bye to my parents and going through security, I sat down and waited at gate A18. I saw a girl in a Katimavik shirt pass by and I said hi but didn't make to much effort to start a conversation. Later on she came back with another girl in a brown Katimavik jacket and stood in front of me and yelled for all other Katimavik people to join us. Then we all gathered and waited in line together to board the plane. When we got on the plane we had the best seats. There were 6 of us (that we knew of at the time) and we were all grouped together on the plane. The two boys together and the four girls together. We each had a seat in between us too. It was fantastic. Once we landed we discovered two more Katimavik people had been on our flight. We were all kinda stressed about how to get to our buses because the instructions did not make very much sense. But as soon as we got our luggage and walked out of the doors there were many Katimavik people holding signs up and they took us to the meeting place for the bus. The bus toke a while to depart because a flight from Winnipeg was delayed. We ended up leaving the airport around 10:30pm instead of at 8:45pm as scheduled. That was one LONG buss ride let me tell you. We had to stop at two other stations to pick up fellow Katimavikers and then drop off three other groups at their houses before we finally reached our new home. When we got here and got all of our luggage inside it was around 4:15am. We then had a quick meeting and went to bed around 5:45am. This morning we got to sleep in because we didn't have anything planned until 12:30 which was very nice. even though we got to wake up late we still didn't have much sleep. The day commenced with lunch, two kinds of soup and two kinds of wraps, all vegan. We have two vegans in the house hold which I think is awesome. There are in total 12 people living in this one house. Four from Quebec, four from Alberta, one from Nova Scotia, one from Prince Edward Island, and one from Winnipeg. They all seem awesome :) There are three rooms, two boys in one, four boys in the other, and then the six girls in one room. There are three closets in our room, with some hangers. So aside from my coats and hoodies, I will be living out of my suitcase for the next six months. FUN. Our house has a big kitchen, a living room, the three bedrooms, two bathrooms, an office, the project leader's (PL) room, an unfinished basement, and a garage. One other thing that is really great about this place is that our PL has a dog! Which is super fantastic! Her (the dogs) name is Sienna and she's really funny. Today we had to go on a scavenger hunt around the town of Huntsville and take pictures of the stuff we found. My favorite picture of the day is the one above of me high fiving some random lady that was walking down the street. We met some really nice people today and got a good feel for the town. I think I'm going to like this whole small town thing, but we will see. This evening we had a talk about roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Are our awesome posters from that are below. After creating the master pieces we learned a little french. Tomorrow we have to be up and ready by 9am because we are going to a 'True Colors' workshop at the YMCA. I think that'll be fun. And that's that for now. 


  1. Sounds awesome to me! Are the other two housemates Vegan or Vegetarian?

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