Wednesday 12 October 2011

Today was the day.

Lets be honest, I have come full circle on the whole Katimavik thing. When i first applied I was accepted and then I dropped out. I didn't think it was worth it to leave my life behind, but now that I'm graduated and working full time at Dairy Queen my thoughts have changed. Even though I am a supervisor I now realize that this isn't what I want to be doing for the rest of the year. I have this amazing second chance to go do something. and this time I'm going. I have been counting down the days to find out where I am going to be living for six months. I was REALLY hoping for Iqaluit, but I got Huntsville Ontario which is also good. I looked at  few pictures online and it looks nice. Also my dad, who is formerly from Ontario, says that its in a really nice part of Ontario so now I'm pretty excited. Now only 84 days until it all begins.